The creation of the CollinsCoin project aims to expand the music industry for musical artists, alongside the best in Blockchain technology.


Radioactive Blend

Vibe Connection

Collins Guitar Pick

Combat Zone

Hype Loop Music

Collins Animal


Our project, through Collins Coin, aims to develop a new way to connect with music and the Collins ecosystem. For musicians, DJs, producers, or anyone directly involved in the music industry, our platform under development will utilize top recording resources to provide the best and most realistic musical instrument plugins. All transactions involving the acquisition of these products will be conducted using the CMC token.

Musicians and composers will have the ability to add their music to be played directly in our game, where they will have access to championship resources, betting, fan support, donations, in-person events (for final championships), live performances by top players (selected), prizes, and much more.

All of this will be facilitated by the Collins Coin token.
Our e-commerce platform will operate entirely on the Collins Coin token. In addition to clothing and accessories from Collins, we will offer instruments, autographed drumsticks, guitars autographed by top musicians worldwide. All of these items can be acquired using our CMC token.

The Collins swap platform will enable users to convert their CMC tokens to other cryptocurrencies with minimal fees charged in the token itself, eliminating fees in other assets. Additionally, it will promote NFTs as collateral for a set period, allowing users to exchange for other NFTs or even fund loans in USDT, BNB, BTC, and other structured cryptocurrencies.

The launch of the Collins Coin token on exchanges aims to expand the market and promote greater liquidity. This process is already underway and will be completed soon. Our goal is to launch directly on Binance and then extend to other exchanges, providing users with even more trading options for the Collins Coin token.

In addition to all these utilities for our token, access to our live and digital shows will be granted to users who acquire the NFT-PASS. All products, beverages, and shirts will be available for purchase using the CMC token.


NFTs Launch on the World's Largest Trading Platform - Open Sea


Creation of the CMC Cryptocurrency - Collins Music Club


Swap Platform Development ​

In Progress

E-commerce Development

In Progress

Game Development

In Progress

Integration of the CMC Cryptocurrency into Binance Exchange

In Progress


NFTs Launch on the World's Largest Trading Platform - Open Sea

Creation of the CMC Cryptocurrency - Collins Music Club

Swap Platform Development ​

Game Development

Integration of the CMC Cryptocurrency into Binance Exchange











I’ve been fascinated by music since childhood. In fact, I’ve been involved in this area for as long as I can remember, and I can confidently say that active musicians, or even those who dedicate a little time to appreciate the notes and harmonies played by others, truly have a “sixth sense.” The influence of music is so pervasive that we can’t live without it in our lives.

A simple example: you, the reader of this brief description, have already heard or will hear some musical reference in your day; in the car, at home, on your way to work, mowing the lawn in your backyard, the good old karaoke in the shower, or even from a friend who introduced you to the hit from Collins Music Club […].

We can conclude that the idea of bringing together musical art and the expansion of NFTs was a success. Now, with the dedication of our team and market revolutions, we have expanded our horizon to a level we only dreamed of reaching. Our cryptocurrency, CollinsCoin



To all music lovers, I salute you! The Collins project is a concept that truly sparks excitement in development.

It’s truly outside the realm of traditional market concepts. I’ve been working in development for over 15 years, and my areas of expertise go beyond just app development, systems, or API implementation.

The Blockchain system is an exciting process, mainly because it breaks away from the standard market concept, opening up both technology in a decentralized manner and possibilities not achievable by the traditional system.



Trabalho com a arte da criação e nada supera esse trabalho. Tenho experiência na implementação de estratégias de marketing digital, gerenciamento de campanhas em mídias sociais, criação de conteúdo e outras derivações. Trabalho há mais de 11 anos e posso dizer com certeza que este projeto é emocionante.

E-commerce Development


Now available at in

Coming soon to

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